Insanely Useful Academic Apps For Students

We have reviewed some of the most useful academic apps and services to immensely help you with your college essay and assignment writing work.

Being a student, no matter which level you are at, you must have to put a lot of effort into the research while writing essays and assignments for your college, but there are moments when we all get stuck in the research phase for weeks. But to get good grades, the research needs to be top-notch.

To help you with academic writing we have reviewed some of the most insanely useful academic apps you should get right now that can help you with theoretical writing. You can use essay-writing software to make things easier for you.

Let’s quickly jump onto it…

#1. Litmaps: Creates visual representation of citations

Insanely Useful Academic Apps For Students

Being a student, we all know how important it is to have clarity in your research along with extensiveness to produce the best assignment. Litmaps help greatly in creating visual maps about how research papers are linked to each other in terms of citations. Once setup, the app will send you an email whenever a new citation is added to make your research stronger.


#2. Paper Digest: Generate a summary of reports

Insanely Useful Academic Apps For Students

Since machine learning and artificial intelligence are at their peak, you can use the online app Paper Digest to help you create summaries of academic articles to save a lot of your time and you will be able to get more research work done in less time, without reading the whole report. Simply submit a PDF file and the app will generate a summary for you.


#3. Penelope: Get instant feedback on academic reports

Insanely Useful Academic Apps For Students

Whether your academic report is missing any important section or data, Penelope will scan your whole academic report and it will run over thirty checks and generate instant feedback comprehensively to help you fix the visible errors that you might have overlooked. Even if the data like figures and tables or if the structure is missing, it will be highlighted immediately.


#4. Writefull: Helps paraphrase and edit assignments

Insanely Useful Academic Apps For Students

A wonderful app for researchers and students to help with paraphrasing, writing, and editing academic writings and thesis to discover possible mistakes that could have gone unnoticed. Write full is smart enough to suggest terms more suitable for technical writing along with numerous language checks to ensure your assignment is perfect for the final submission.


#5. Scholarcy: Produce summary cards and insights

Insanely Useful Academic Apps For Students

Wouldn’t essay and assignment writing be easier and less tiring if you have access to all the important points in bulleted lists along with summaries and highlights of the essential data? Scholarcy does the same for you. Simply drag and drop the PDF files or documents and AI will do its magic. Now you don’t have to spend countless hours going through multiple research papers.


No one is perfect in academic writing and this skill requires time, effort, and patience to master the art. I hope the apps and tools reviewed here should help you with your essay and assignment writing task. If you use any other app that you think I should have included in the list then please feel free to share your thoughts in the comments below.